Crescent Dart

The Crescent Dart, Agrotis trux lunigera, was resident moth new to my garden on 29 August 2021. When I emptied the trap the next day, the light was so poor that I used my phone to take photos, so they’re not wonderful. Still, they were good enough for me to make a tentative ID which was later confirmed, and I am very pleased to be able to add it to my list. It is very localised to south and western coastal areas in England and Wales, which (with a couple of locations on the east coast of Scotland) mark the northern limit of its range. It is both more abundant and widespread here. Locally, it also has a longer flight season with records from May through to November (UK: July – August) which indicates that there is an occasional second generation. I assume that the crescent refers to the dark mark above the pale kidney mark.

GB Status:

Food: Larvae have been found on Rock Sea-spurrey and Thrift.

Habitat: As suggested by its food plant, very coastal particularly cliffs and rocky coastlines.

It has been recorded in 4 10km squares since 2000 in Guernsey and has also been recorded in Alderney.