
In 1975, Davis McClintock wrote ‘…the Guernsey Flora was … even richer andf more interesting than had been realised. It must be almost, if not quite (Jersey is the rival), second to none in our islands. [The Wild Flowers of Guernsey].

In 2021, Alderney would give the two large islands a good run for their money. Although much smaller, it has proportionately more undisturbed habitat and areas such as Braye Common and Houmet Herbé are treasure chests for any keen botanist.

Alongside McClintock, the book to have is Marquand’s Flora of Guernsey and the Lesser Channel Isles, 1901. Where possible, I have included the Guernsey French names next to common names inthe heading; many of these are taken from Marquand.

The species are listed in order according to the Collins wild flower Guide.

Plant names and groups change so the most recent booklet, Rabey and Gilmour’s Checklist of Guernsey Plants, 2018, is invaluable. Building on the first edition compiled by Bridget Ozanne, it gives the most up-to-date information of the plants to be found across the Bailiwick, locations and abundance. It is currently available to buy for a modest £6 from