True Lover’s Knot

True Lover’s Knot, Lycophotia porphyria, despite its English name which is rather exotic, is a common, resident noctuid moth in Guernsey. One of my photos(16.7.20) shows it on cm squared paper to give an idea of its wing length. The photo on the left (23.07.20) shows an individual that is starting to get worn. There is a brown, bald spot behind the head where its scales have started to wear away. The reddish brown in this photo is a truer representation of its overall colouring. These were attracted to my 20W actinic Skinner’s trap, but they can be seen during the day time in sunny weather between June and August.

GB Status: Vulnerable – decrease in population and since 1970, recent dcrease in distribution.

Food plant: Heathers

Habitat: Heathland and moorland. It possibly feeds on cultivated heathers in gardens. I don’t have any so it’s a surprising species to find in my garden.

Also recorded in Alderney.